Picture of Reese in his old bed . think he's outgrown it? HA! His new bed is extra large and just right! This is his " porn position" and we will not explain further. As Reese continues to improve with the prednisone (the cancer drug starts Wed) Patrick is going downhill with his sinus infection. . off to the doctor this week if we don't see improvement. I feel so sorry for him unable to talk and feeling so ill. Ice cream only helps so much.
Reading USA Today today I came across something interesting. In an article "Lessons from a Benedictine Monastery" we learn that the nuns take the vow of "conversatio" (I assume Latin) which refers to the conversion of life. But another definition they use for the word is that of "constant turning, a continuous conversation with life". . . As the author explains, and she is also writing a book about her experiences there, a monastery may be a throwback to the past, but with all these vows of "conversatios" going on, these women are changing constantly, creating a community which experiences "service over self-aggrandizement, simplicity over consumption and quietude over constant chatter." This really resonated with me today so thought I would share. Nice thoughts during an Easter/Spring season.
Hope your week is starting off well.
Let me know how you are doing and keep your fingers crossed for Patrick.
haaaahaaaahaaaaaaahahahhhhaaaa!!!! the porn photo is hilarious!!! is he really sleeping or did you just catch him with his eyes closed? he is absolutely hilarious! you need to put one of those little black boxes to blackout the naughty bits. thanks for giving me a good laugh!! :) p.s. whatever you do, you better NOT make a Doggy Porn calendar as a fundraiser for CFA!