Thursday, July 19, 2012

HomeBound Blogger

Except for two doctor's appointments I have been confined to home since July 3rd.  It's not too bad since I have the dogs and my wonderful caregiver, Patrick.  Plus some visitors.  We are trying new "foods"-- thin cheesy soupy, clear french onion (no onion), and other taste sensations.  These foods really are only for your sense of taste -- since they go through my tube  and into my pouch in about 2 minutes.  The pouch is also attached to my walker.    While in the hospital I had a tube down my throat for 3-4 days before surgery. . that was really not fun.

I also carry my TPN packet of food in a backpack on my walker.  It weighs 10 pounds when we first attach it and gets down to about 2-3 pounds at the end of 20 hours.  I am off TPN from 4 p.m. to 8p.m. when I am free, but since I am always attached to the G-tube pouch on the walker I cannot walk far.  The removal of the pouch (not the tube which will never come out) as well the TPN  will be discussed with the doctor soon.  It may be months before I can navigate without them.  

For the most part, things are working well. . . I will say that the inconvenience is terrible but the pain is coming down.  My use of morphine is dripping (HA) and I only have to "inject" a couple times a day.  I am using Ativan to sleep. I am not able to wear slacks yet.

The home health care nurse comes twice a week and draws blood.  She also checks vitals and helps with the wounds and provides good book recommendations! 

Next Tuesday is 7:30 a.m. Surgery to install the second port for the Flo-Fury chemo and then I will have (ta - da) each quadrant of my belly fixated with a tube.  Fun!  Plus the railroad track down the middle.

My "work" has been  involved with Bele Chere but the main work horses are Marilyn Walker and Tiffany Cannoncro.  They are getting raffle prizes, volunteers and handling all the hundreds of details needed.  It will be a super event thanks to their hard efforts!  Hurray to them. 

For fun, I watch Law and Order (thank goodness it is on a marathon basis every day it seems!) and reading. . . any good reviews are sought! We also work the crossword each day. 

I hear it is very hot here so don't miss that. 

Hope it is cooling off where you are and they you're having an enjoyable day!



  1. Hi Peggy,
    If you're looking for a recommendation for a good book(s) to read, I wanted to tell you about an author named Jodi Picoult. I've read many of her books and love them. They are relatively easy to read and fascinating. I like them because they deal with "tough ethical issues" and "family relationships" and "what makes people tick." I'm hooked on her books and have read almost everything she has written. Perhaps you'd like to try one of the following:

    Handle With Care - about a couple who has 2 daughters, one of whom was born with a "brittle bone" disease called osteogenesis imperfecta. There is a malpractice law suit involved, and a look at how her disease affects the life of her sister. It's really not a disturbing or "dark" book. If you like "psychology," you'll like Jodi Picoult. She really gets into the minds and hearts of her characters. Very interesting stuff!

    Sing Me Home --- story centers around frozen embroyos and whose "property" are they when a couple divorces. Fascinating and complex questions to ponder .... but her books are enjoyable reading.

    Nineteen Minutes --- on the surface the story is about a school shooting, but the REAL story is about bullying and how it affects the children involved, the parents, and the community. This book is a little "chilling" but I learned a lot about what bullying REALLY is like and why it happens.

    My Sister's Keeper --- story about having a second child to act as an organ donor for the first child, thereby saving her life. Again, fascinatingly complex ethical and moral questions woven into a very readable novel.

    These are all available at the library. She has written many ohters too, but these are a few of my favorites.

    Hang in there. We're all pulling for you! Thanks for keeping us all up-to-date via your blog. I check it every few days and am glad to hear you're enjoying some "real food."

  2. Thanks, Sharon. I will check her out. Come see us anytime! We'd love to see you both!
