Sunday, June 10, 2012

Will It Rain?

Put up new plants outside.  Worry now about rain each day!!  Planted solar lights inside the flowers for nighttime effect. 

Yesterday we visited several ABBA inns and loved seeing our friends and previous neighbor, Gene Bell.   Gene and I commented how 5 years ago, you could not believe what the River Arts District would become today.  I was also shocked to see the Historical Trolley run right in front of North Lodge.  Greg and Gregg told us that they have an agreement with the River Arts training schools to house budding artists at the inn. . . amazing. . totally amazing.  Today we're exploring that very area of the city for the big Studio Stroll and hope to capture some good raffle prizes while we're at it!  More later in the week.  Hope all of you have a good one. 

Petunias:  Pink, white and blue!

Allie passed out!

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